Nappy changes

How do you change your little one now that they have a massive cast in the way?

Here is a video that might help show how easy it can be to change them. 

Things I found useful:

- We sized up on the nappy you stuff in the cast! Everyone recommended using their normal size but we found the bigger ones would sit higher up the front and back so it caught more. 

- Use a hair dryer on the cool setting to dry their bum once a day. We wanted to prevent any dampness that would cause problems with her skin. 

 - We used a cloth nappy on the outside with a small insert in it, it added padding so it didn't feel like she was going to fall out of the cast.


Disclaimer: this information is intended to support , not replace discussion with your doctor or healthcare professionals. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up to date, accurate and easy to understand. No responsibility for inaccuracies, or information perceived as misleading.

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